За "ОПВ Маркет"
  "ОПВ Маркет" is the leader in supplying industrial equipment for the transfer of liquids and bulk.

From its inception in 1999, ОПВ Маркет is continually expanding range of products and goods in stock.
Our company has a highly skilled professionals, large storehouses, excellent logistics and excellent service for our customers make us a leader in the following most important segments:
-Loading arms for top/bottom loading and unloading with accessories
- Loading arms for LPG, bitumen and chemicals.
- Ladders for tank.>
- Ground monitors and overfilling monitors
- Flow-meters to 16 200 l/m with electronic control
- Vane and centrifugal pumps to 700 m3/h.For diesel and gasoline,LPG,bitumen and chemicals
- Dispense valves to 12 ". Dual-stage and multistage.
- Level gauges (up to 16m)
- Hoses
ОПВ Маркет has his own service maintenance for all kind of tank trucks-LPG,diesel and gasoline,bitumen,chemicals,food stuff,bulk. ОПВ Маркет is located in Sofia and Bourgas in Bulgaria,Beograd in Serbia,Bucurest in Romania.
- Manholes
- Check Valves
- Hose reels,hoses,nozzles for diesel and gasoline,LPG and chemicals
- Discharge pumps and spare parts
- Flow-meters
- Expansion joints
- Overfilling system
- Valves and flame arrestors
- Bottom valves,API couplers,ball valves
ОПВ Маркет is a leader in the supply of hoses, fittings and connectors:

- Маркучи за бензиностанции, цистерни
- Маркучи за химикали
- Маркучи за фармацевтиката
- Маркучи за JET
- Маркучи за плавателни съдове
- Маркучи за автомобили и лодки
- Маркучи за вода и въздух
- Маркучи в минната индустрия
- Маркучи за абразивни материали
- Flanged and threaded ends of the hoses
- DIN 11 851 connectors
- Dry Disconnect Couplers, swevel joints
ОПВ Маркет has in store a huge amount of spare parts and equipment for gas stations

- Fuel dispensers, LPG dispensers
- Level measuring system
- Plastic pipes
- Vapour recovery valves and addapters
- Hoses
- Spare parts for Fuel, LPG and AdBlue dispensers
- Valves and fittings for fueltanks
- Flexible connections
- Valves for LPG
- Level gauges for LPG
- Ball valves
- Swivel joints
- Compensators
- Butterfly valves
- Pumps
- Flow meters